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This is not a military clan art undr a gunshi and shogun, but a family art and should be called Takeda ryu, not Daito-ryu.

It would be unethical to surmize that Daito-ryu was one art that was passed down from headmaster to headmaster under one line. We have hundreds, maybe thousands of shoguns, gunshis , iemoto and soke, so, the minamoto lineage which includes countless versions of fighting arts did not die with the end of the fuedal system, rather hundreds did survive, and they went under different names, ours is but one of these....the term, not the art, called Daito-ryu was made famous in modern times by Sogaku Takeda, nobody can dispute that, but the art he taught was not the same that Tanomo Saigo taught, it was a combination of what he learned from several teachers, thusly it was his personal style which should be called Sogaku-Ha Daito-Ryu or Takeda-Ha Daito-Ryu , not just Daito-Ryu as though it was the official centuries old palace or field system of the Minamoto/Aizu/ Takeda/ matsudairi - takugawa clans.  There is no evidence he inherited the art that Tanomo Saigo taught, as such, as in Japanese tradition, it hold that Tanomo's son would logically inherit his family system, which is why we call our version Saigo Ha Daito-Ryu Aiki Budo, in reference that it is the art derived from Tanomo Saigo, others justly teach a version of Daito-Ryu, but we claim the lineage to Tanomo Saigo based on our research .............copyrite

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